Mental Health Matters The Most #CauseAChatter 2021

Last year in 2020, I joined Cause a chatter campaign to share my perspective, observation, and understanding of the things around me. Following the motive, I tried my best to cover most of the aspects regarding the change in our life due to the uncalled entry of a deadly Virus that we named Coronavirus.

We were so hopeful that may Mayhem will end soon, if not then by the end of the unfortunate year 2020 for sure. Our hopes and beliefs were shaken with the news of the second wave of the virus from Britain. Vaccinations are introduced, josh is high, and we know we will come out as a winner.

In 2021 Blogchatter has come up with a newly renovated theme of the campaign ‘Cause A Chatter Blogging With A Purpose’ by adding three categories of causes Mental Health TalksGender Talks, and Environmental Talks by Blogchatter. Out of which, one has to choose a minimum of one and a maximum of three causes to get registered. I registered for the campaign this year too, under the cause Mental Health Talks.

Why Mental Fitness Comes Before Physical Fitness?

  1. To keep a fit body, one must prepare his mind to make all the fitness goals like reschedule the daily routine, eating habits, sleeping hours, hitting the gym, or practicing yoga to burn the excess fat.
  2. Even after so much carefulness if your body catches any illness, to get back on your feet before any doctors and medicines, strong mental health required the most in the form of will-power.
  3. ‘Only A Healthy Mind Can Leads A Healthy Body,’ No matter how many hours you are giving in shaping your body? How many steps are you walking? How many fibers and vitamins are you taking in your meal? All effort would go in vain if you missed carrying a pill of positivity in your mind.
  4. The persona of positivity doesn’t mean letting go of the things that bother you, creating negativity around you. It only means a dimension shift of thoughts by keeping yourself in other activities. The reason a dull mind sooner or later starts affecting the body.

Mental Health is something that has to be placed an inch above Physical Health. It doesn’t mean that physical health comes second, absolutely not. But yes, to acknowledge, physical fitness matters, and honest effort towards it definitely comes only when mental health is in the right direction. It could be attained by sharing inner feelings bound with the attribute of self-acceptance. This practice roots the starting point of a healthy lifestyle in the true meaning.

In this series of Mental Health Talks, I will bring some cause and effect of mental pressure we as a society member; as humans, we do face different job fields, at a different age, in different strata, and in different forms like seen unseen. Unfortunately, hardly prefer to utter a word related to us. Opposite to that, we become a bundle of knowledge when it happens with others.

So let’s be a little talkative, let’s talk about unspoken feelings, let’s talk about everything we face, we do but ignore to speak up. Let’s be the listener without being judgemental.

Stay tuned for my next post t in the series of cause a chatter.

‘This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter’ 

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava ( Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

23 thoughts on “Mental Health Matters The Most #CauseAChatter 2021”

  1. Undisputed that only a healthy mind can lead healthy body. That is why this year I have focused on expressing myself and writing about it. Talking what we feel inspires others around us to express themselves

  2. I believe Mental Health is extremely important for one to have a fulfilling life. Thanks to the Blogchatter’s initiative many of us are reading and writing about it and spreading awareness about mental health, ways to cope when stressed, etc.

    I have personally seen how an imbalance in the mental health disrupts oneself, his family, at his workspace, etc. It’s high time we talk about mental health as a normal topic, understand and empathize with the person facing any mental issues like, anxiety, stress, OCD, depression, etc. One should also encourage such people to seek professional help so that the person can return to the normal self again. Till that time, it doesn’t even matter if we are physically fit or not!

    Thanks for doing your part in promoting mental health awareness.

  3. I agree with you 100%
    Mental health is important and definitely is a topic to discuss and learn about. Thanks to blogchatter’s #causeachatter, there are many bloggers writing about it and creating awareness. I personally have seen how a poor mental health affects the overall wellbeing of a person, his family, workspace etc. It’s high time, we as a society talk about it and consciously make efforts to improve each other’s mental health.

  4. Mental Health is a much needed talk at this time . These topics should be talked about and given due importance. Even i am part of this initiative.

  5. So clear your ideas, be a little talkative, be less judgemental while listening. It is going to take a long time, people are so concerned with their own mundane problems that they care less about another’s problem. Also many a time, the person with an issue is very difficult to identify with because of the facade that one is used to from a young age where we are all smiles when an outsider appears. I just hope things get better before we lose it all.

  6. We need so much more awareness about mental health since it is still a taboo in a number of families. Looking forward to reading your posts in the series. You are right. Mental health is as important as physical health. I too am participating in CauseAChatter again this year discussing all three topics.

  7. Rightly said, Archu! Mental health is as important as physical health and the best way to normalize it is to talk about it.

  8. Mental health and physical health are both inter related. If we are mentally fit we tend to our bodies making it physically fit but if we are mentally unfit we tend to neglect our physical being the most common method being emotional eating.

  9. I agree that if mentally you are not well physically you will not be well. You can do a lot of things physically if mentally you are ok. There are olymics for physically less abled people. They do things because their minds are fit.

  10. I am also contributing to this topic on Causeachatter. Right now battling ti actually. I suffer from chronic depression and I thought I knew how to handle it but its a monster that refuses to budge.

  11. It is nice to see so many bloggers like yourself writing nice posts about mental health. There is an increase in the awareness of mental health issues and this is much needed. There is still some social stigma attached to it but it is slowly fading with this awareness that we are spreading.

  12. Mental health and physical health are closely connected. Mental health plays a major role in people’s ability to maintain good physical health. Mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety, affect people’s ability to participate in health-promoting behaviors.

  13. Great to know…I am also participating in causeachatter with the same theme. There is so much to talk about when it comes to metal health. The way a person behaves or reacts, every moew has a science in it. There are so many terminology which needs to be explained as we can overcome these mental issues if understood clearly.

  14. I’m glad you brought up this thought and shared your perspective. Somehow talking about mental health is a taboo in our country and you have raised very valid points.

  15. Great dear. I am also doing #Causeachatter this year with same theme. indeed mental health matters most and this thing has become more relevant due to pandemic situation. all the best for challenge and looking forward to reading your posts to it,

  16. Mental Health is a much needed talk at this time. I have heard may of my close friends suffering from mental health issues in some form or other. These topics should be talked about and given due importance.

  17. Mental health is certainly a notch above the physical health. Because at the end of the day, mind drives the body. A physical ailment we can explain using our mind. But how do we express our mental ailment. Many a time we dont know what is the problem.

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