Save Precious Childhood Part-1 #CauseAChatter


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While waiting for a signal to turn Green, a small girl named Bindi, aged around 8-9 YO grabbed my attention, asking for money, not for her own but for her siblings. her dry eyes, messy hairs and chapped lips compelled me to park my car nearby and get out of my car and go to watch her actual condition, though my heart and mind were well aware of a trap of false stories behind sometimes, I was ready to face those, instead of just to ignore. I started following that poor small girl on my request to take me along. As I reached the plot, the sight was heartwrenching.

Bindi lived in an open area under the tree, with her two siblings, one her brother aged 6-7 lied down on the bed of leaves and plastic bag in high fever, the reason he goes to work on a daily basis for bricks molding (eete ki bhathi), way more heavier job than the capacity of a 7 yrs old boy, result, started taking toll on his body now, another sibling was there a baby girl aged 2 yrs old, lying in the soil like a piece of skeleton, in the lack of proper nourishment.

I asked, “Bindi why you live here?”, she replied,” Because this is our home for these days”, her reply filled my eyes with tears.

“These days ?” means? I asked She Said,” Yes usually we live at the site we work to get food, accordingly we change places, but these days I and my brother don’t have any work due to his illness, we are not liable for food and home to stay.”

My Ghosh!!! her words torn me apart every second. We say, ” Children are the future of the nation”, do we really meant it? It was just one story I came along, no idea how many similar stories are ruining our nation’s future , by ignoring the plight of these slum’s kids. Bindi’s word shaken me deeply and rang a warning bell to save little the precious pies of our country, not just because they are future but also because the child doesn’t deserve this, they only deserve a world full of love…….

Let’s join hands to take a step forward towards blogging with a purpose, and respond correctly to save our small precious lives.



33 thoughts on “Save Precious Childhood Part-1 #CauseAChatter”

  1. Child labour is an offense and whenever i read about them, my heart goes out for them. It is a pity state of affairs and this cause should cause a chatter. More power to your voice.

  2. Debidutta Mohanty

    Such a heart-wrenching reality but it’s sad that child labour laws are only in books. Kudos to your efforts for bringing a topic that surely needs attention.

  3. I often wonder what are we or rather for what should we fight. This is such a sad state of affairs. The poor child is working at a construction site and there is someone who has employed them and has the heart to not give them accommodation because they are not well. How do people live after doing this? Our country needs a major overhaul in the system and in the thought process.

  4. Such a sad story. I’m shocked that anyone can make small children work in construction. So we have no conscience? Do we need to make money at all costs?? This need to be publicized so that action is taken urgently. Thanks for writing about it.

  5. This is a heart wrenching topic which makes my soul cry.. But alas its too big a problem in a country like ours to be solved in individual capacity. The society as a whole has to step up.

  6. This actually give me tears. Its so sad that little souls has to go through all this. Hope things will change in future and we will have a better system to help underprivileged kids

  7. I have seen such cases in my place too, this truly hurt deeply but what we can do is help them, but the problem is there are many kids who are suffering this, we need to support this and come together so that the kids get good life

  8. Noor Anand Chawla

    Oh no Archana.. What a sad state of affairs. We need a major system overhaul to change this awful reality.

  9. It is downright sad and sorry state of affairs but our govt and our growing population is te main cause. You have highlighted it but what is the way to bring it to an end?

  10. It feels miserable to watch such stories of children who are forced to face the horrible realities of life. Every country should provide for the basics of health, food and education.

  11. it is really sad and harsh reality of our society. and I also feel really sad when I see underprivileged children s. hats off to you for taking such an important issue for #Causeachatter. hope things will change in future and we will have a better system where every kid get basic need of their life without any discomfort.

  12. This is the sad state of many and my heart goes out to them.
    What went wrong in karma that such small children have to see such hardship in life?
    I had often visited the orphanage on my kid’s birthday but such souls who have the only tree as home feel very bad and helpless.

  13. A Very heart wrenching story of the girl but what did you do for her after that? We try to help any underprivileged child by giving them clothes, dropping them to an ashram and sponsoring part of their education. I think a happy ending would be apt for this story.

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