Save Precious Childhood Part-2 #CauseAChatter

“Small hands can handle a pen better. Lend your support to abolish child labor.”

“Eradicate child labor and aspire for a better future”

Believing in the above thoughts of saving precious childhood. I am moving forward with my story of Bindi, you can read the first part of my story here.

Bindi and her sibling’s condition didn’t allow me to turn my face away from their problems. The first thing that I did, to call one of my friends, in a belief she might guide me in the right direction, as she was a very active member of the women’s association, aimed to help women, who are facing domestic violence, dowry exploitation. Being busy in the seminar session, she couldn’t pick my call, soon I got a text of her, “calling you in a while”, in the meanwhile I took Bindi and her siblings to my car, brought food for them and headed towards the child hospital, where my friend Rima also joined me after her seminar, I explained her all the situation whereas, Bindi and her siblings were receiving immediate treatment for their open wounds. Rima suggested contacting Child Association, this was the time when I got to know about “Save The Child” an NGO that works for children across the nation.

NGOs like Save the Children have been working for decades to make the practice of child labor socially unacceptable. Through various projects on preventing child labor Save the Children is working to stop parents and traffickers pushing young children into a world that robs them of their innocence. Lakhs of volunteers and noble-hearted citizens have also been contributing to the cause by donating money and investing time. It’s important to create awareness and tell people about the plight of the children who fall prey to child labor.

Rima contacted the organization and made them aware of the child labor going on the brick factory, they took the responsibilities of Bindi and her siblings also took action against the factory owner.

Initially, I was in great doubt, “whether it will be right or not?”

“Is the place safe for kids or not?”

My mind was full of confusion and fear, I shared my dilemma with Rima, she held my hand and not only assured me about the best place to save the children’s future but also made me aware of the works, their way of work and achievements of the NGO, which filled my heart with huge satisfaction, I am still in touch of Bindi, her brother Raunak and little Jia, visit them occasionally, their smiling and contented face. makes my belief stronger on the organization.

You can read more about this organization, its branches, sponsorship, donation and all the related details here.

Raise your voice against any unfair or cruel deed towards the children, make your move in the right direction if your eyes witness such things, don’t ignore, don’t hesitate to be a responsible citizen. Your small effort can make a big change in forming the future of little buddies of our society, who deserves only and only Love and Care, nothing else.

The whole story has been shared by my Aunt, her permission not only encouraged me to write on the topic “Save The child” but also strengthened my compassion in the area of Children’s welfare.

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