String Of Hope ZEENAT #A2ZofBollywood


Today while giving the last shot of A2Z Challenge2020, I want to finish my journey on extremely positive note i.e. HOPE. The hope of seeing you all back on my next post, the hope of victory on deadly Virus Corona, the hope of better tomorrow, and the hope of living our life in the best way. Life will throw umpteen reasons to pull you back however it is only you who decides how to hit back to stand firm. So Coming back to the Letter “Z”.

Zeenat is a character taken from the movie Dor(2006), played by a talented actress, model, and former beauty queen Gul Panag. Undeterred by the length of the short role, Gul Panag impersonated Zeenat blazingly. The movie has depicted several loopholes that still prevail in some of the regions of our Indian society for eg. caste, creed, gender, etc.


Zeenat (Gul Panag) and Aamir (Rushad Rana) a couple goes to Dubai. Whereas, in Rajasthan a state in India, Meera (Ayesha Takia) who is recently married to Shankar (Anirudh Jayakar)also getting her husband’s stuff ready who is also about to go Dubai for his job. Both girls are managing their houses and responsibilities in totally different from each other’s lifestyle by staying updated about their spouses also through the calls and the letters till the time destiny hit them badly when Meera received news of her husband Shankar’s demise. On the other side of the story, Zeenat was also told that her husband got arrested in the accuse of murder charges in Dubai. The only way she can save her husband if the widow of the deceased signs a form saying she forgives him. The search of the deceased’s wife, destiny brought Zeenat to Meera’s village to sign the paper of forgiveness. In the village, Zeenat met Behroopiya (Shreyas Talpade), who helped her to find Meera. Both girls developed a very friendship until Zeenat confronts her motive to Meera. The truth left Meera heartbroken. In meanwhile the orthodox family of Meera is in extreme need of money sells Meera to Landlord, this heinous deed of her in-laws made Meera realizes the blessings of God in the form of Zeenat’s friendship, who encourages Meera to free herself with the ties of the selfish family for a new start.


1). No matter what situation you have been through do not ever think of giving up on hope, despite all odds Zeenat started her journey in the search of that woman who was her only hope to save her husband from the death sentence in Dubai,

2). Forgive and forget by making sure you have learned from your experiences and move forward to give your life a new direction, The way Meera forgives Zeenat and at last decided to sign the papers for the bail of Zeenat’s husband, you can not move forward without freeing yourself with a useless and rigid mindset.

3). Everyone deserves a second chance whether it is friendship, love, or life, accepting the decision of destiny is fine, but sacrificing your identity and happiness on the name of destiny is not justifiable, in the end, part of the movie where Meera runs back to the railway station to catch the train strongly conveyed the message of a Restart.

That is all about BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2020, I hope I did justice with your efforts of daily visiting and able to platter you joyful reading. I thank you all my readers, my co-bloggers to encouraging me throughout the journey with your kind words.

**If you missed reading my post on Letter “Y”

**This post is for #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge Letter Z**






Image Source:: Google

32 thoughts on “String Of Hope ZEENAT #A2ZofBollywood”

  1. I have not watched this film so I didn’t read the storyline out of fear of spoilers! I have missed a lot of your posts but I loved the ones that I read. Congratulations on finishing the A2Z challenge! Kudos to you, AtoZ survivor. 🙂

  2. This was a great series and hearty congratulations on successful completion. I have thoroughly enjoyed the series and hope to read more from you soon.

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  3. Yes she is a great choice for Z. I have seen this movie zillion times and can watch again. It surely is about hope. Congratulations on completing AtoZ. Are you planning an ebook? I would love to read it.

  4. Great series dear and you had ended this with such a positive and inspiring note. many congrats for completing a2z and all the best for e book carnival ( I m hoping you are doing it)

  5. I have not seen the movie but have heard a lot about it. I loved the post and of course your A to Z series. Thank you for writing on a topic close to all of us. We do not realize till we read the posts like yours. Congratulations on completing the A to Z

  6. This movie looks really nice.. I loved your review about the movie..I haven’t watched it but will watch it for sure now..

    Many congratulations on completing the A-Z challenge!

  7. Noor Anand Chawla

    Congratulations on successfully completing the A to Z Challenge!
    It was a pleasure to see that we had so many favourite movies in common throughout your series. Dor is also one of my all-time favourites- for its focus on self-belief, friendship and the power of women.
    I also really appreciated the little snippets of wisdom you imparted through your analysis of each film!

  8. I have always liked Gul Panag’s acting. Recently, I watched a web series Family Man in which she had a small role. You have done full justice to the theme Archana. I have enjoyed reading each and every post of yours. We tend to forget the characters or sometimes even movies but your posts have brought back all the memories.

  9. Oh My God, I loved Zeenat from the movie Dor…such an emotional and inspiring movie. I have loved the journey through the world of Bollywood through your posts, and all my favorites listed down so beautifully 😀😊. Best wishes always and looking forward to staying connected! Thank you for the interesting and motivational dose of Bollywood through this challenge.

  10. A great pick for letter Z, Zeenat from Dor, and message form her are worth too be it to forgive or giving a second chance. Yes, it’s one life and everyone deserves to live.

  11. Lovely takes from the film…..I haven’t seen it but I believe one should never give up, forgiving makes us feel lighter and second chances prove so fruitful sometimes. All the best for your future posts dear. God bless.

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