Surround Yourself With Right People


Making lots of friends isn’t a big deal, Making a right friend is a VICTORY!!I remember a very common quote my parents use to say in both situation whether I did something wrong or right, I receive a comment from them”SANGAT KA ASAR HAI” (Effected by the company) similarly, for my good deeds also credit goes to my friends like “SANGAT KA ASAR HAI”.That time I found this comment very irritating. But now today at this age I can say whatever my parents said each and every word still standing with the same integrity and truthfulness.Our surroundings effects us the most.If it’s consist the right people ,positive people they will uplift you by telling your true qualities on the other hand handle drawbacks carefully or vice- versa. Surround yourself with people whose presence calls forth your best, who awaken your inner power, take you higher and help you realize your own worth. Find people who have acheived what you want and whose behavior is better than yours, and then follow their lead and learn from them.

“Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, who help you when you’re in need. People who genuinely care. They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through.” – Karl Marx

Happiness is contagious. When you’re surrounded by good people, you are surrounded by life. You will be less stressed and find more joy in daily things, you will be able to build self-confidence, boost your creativity. On the other side , hanging out with negative people means you are just an addition to their crap and that’s exhausting and depressing. Let go of people who give you stress and make you unhappy. Surround yourself with  positive people that helps you shine both inside and outside.

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Disclaimer-:Images Source internet ,some of content from books / newspapers articles and some are from my own beliefs and experiences.

Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.

– Jim Rohn

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