Things I stopped Doing In The Bygone Year 2023

Happy New Year, friends!

I hope you’ve already started your 2024 the way you always wanted to.

To begin with, a heartfelt thanks to Swarnali for bringing us together to ring in the New Year in her unique and zealous way, and that too with utmost consistency. Being a part of her bloghop every year is one of my favorite things to do.

I extend my gratitude to all the circumstances, people, places, or things that have always contributed to turning me into a better version of myself every other day.

Let me begin thanks for the year 2022 at first for making me wise and powerful and allowing me to continue with these throughout 2023.
And believe me, right now, all I know is that I am moving towards a brand new year 2024 with zero resolutions, promises, or dreams, however, with tons of actions, efforts, and faith. Cause that’s the only thing that keeps me going.

Things I have stopped doing in the bygone year 2023

Overlooking my Serenity

I happily chose to save myself from people, places, and things that were hindering my serenity. Be it social media platforms or groups, ungrateful entities around me, masked well-wishers, or modes of entertainment, etc.

Holding on to the past

I decided that what’s been done is done, and I have learnt from my mistakes and made sure that they do not define who I am, and i’ve stopped being so hard on myself for it. My top priority is to live life in the present, everyday is an opportunity to put forth the best version of myself and conquer any obstacles that the day throws at me.

Stop making excuses

My responsibilities as a mother, daughter, wife, sister, and employee all correlate with the balance of my at-home and work lives, and if I do make a mistake, I must hold myself accountable for these actions and stop giving others unreasonable explanations or pointing fingers.

Worrying about things that are not in my control

I put myself in the other person’s shoes and think about what I should change about myself, because why should I try to change how other people act? Instead, I focus on myself and leave the rest up to God; other people’s circumstances are not in my control. I have accepted this, and I’ve stopped draining my energy on fixing everything.

Pleasing everyone, online or offline

I’ve tried to limit my involvement in groups so I can focus on my growth. Which, to me, is much more meaningful. I haven’t always been the most involved in group chats, and I only try to be involved where I feel I should have a say in the matter. For offline relationships, I never liked overcommitting my time to please my friends, bosses, etc. So, I have chosen to value my “me-time” and taken this time to improve upon my values.

Waiting for external validation

I am a go-by-the-rulebook person, and though everyone has their own rights and wrongs, I give myself the full privilege to follow my instincts and decide what’s best for myself. without needing any sort of “good job” from the person next to me. I stopped making everyone my guru.

Pouring energy on pretending

I’ve become more transparent. If I’m bad at something or non-interested, I proudly accept it and enjoy the reality of the situation, rather than struggling to cover up my mistakes for the sake of the other person.

I stepped into 2023 by Overcoming some Fears

There were some fears also that resided in me underneath somewhere; I was aware of their presence; however, I never acknowledged those.

The year 2022 had given me the courage and confidence to overcome those by bringing me back to my professional life after a huge career gap.

I have to say that I had stepped into 2023 with a half piece of courage, by the time, working with the people from different culture had definitely helped me sailed through and accomplishing the other half piece of the story.

• Financially Independent: I have started working as a lead teacher at a private school. I will talk more about it in other post, as one post is not enough to share all. Right from receiving my first pay check( pay cheque) to the pinning down all the hurdles of my initial days.

Dare to Drive on interstate highway : I have been a good driver, as I enjoy car driving but still there are some particular paths that makes me anxious to drive over.

The year 2023 made me lived my dream of long driving on the interstate highway that connects Georgia to Washington, DC.

Honestly being a woman of this era I strongly believe in sharing responsibilities in and out of the house.
I can’t forget one of best moments of my life when I could see that my husband felt tired after driving miles. The contentment on his face while saying, “Hey, now you drive, please,” actually made my day. And thereafter the story of driving together continues.

So I might stepped into 2023 holding some of my long loaded fears, but today I can say among those I have conquered over at-least two of my fears.

Even a Small Win Deserves Celebration

• My first winning moment of the year at my working place, when I received award for being “ the most flexible member of the team”. That was the moment that filled me with confidence that Yes I am back in the game!!

• In October 2023 when I was chosen as the employee of the month, the best bday gift gifted by me to myself. that was the moment that made me realize that Ok my efforts are getting noticed. Furthermore, when I got to know by management that loads of appreciation coming in my way by the parents. That was the moment when I truly fell short of words to thank the almighty.

• One of the most precious moment of 2023 that I can’t forget to share when my 3 poems made their places in an Anthology “Soulcraft” published by two wonderful authors Mr. Manas Mukul and Namaratha. I fall short of words to thank them for adding one more star to my 2023 memories.

Things that are not going to be Changed in Me Ever! 😊

And here I come to accept that no matter what there are few things that I owe for life. Seasons will come and go, year will come and go, but some habits that define me, will stay with me forever.

Watching Bigg Boss without fail

Taking my time out for my loved ones, no matter what.

My love for dance, writing, gardening, driving and traveling.

Loyal audience of rom-com tales

Thats all for now. I sum up my post with a big bear hug, a bouquet of thankfulness, and waving goodbye to 2023. For keeping alive a learner in me and taking me on the path of being wiser with every sunshine.

Hey, Leap Year 2024! I welcome you with open arms, a loving heart, consistent efforts, a never-give-up attitude, higher beliefs, and low expectations, because I am a girl who will always pick the choice of going with the flow.

Would you like to share your thoughts on the third section above? What do you think is not going to change in your life, no matter what year comes and goes?

This post is part of The Year & You Blog Hop, hosted by Swarnali Nath at

35 thoughts on “Things I stopped Doing In The Bygone Year 2023”

  1. Happy to hear about your successful 2023, Archana. More power to you! Celebrating your wins, big or small, keeps us going. I saw your dance videos on Instagram, and I must say you’re an amazing dancer. Keep dancing and rocking in whatever you do.

  2. Hey, I drove on the interstate highway in Gujarat too for the first time and I know how thrilling that is! You’ve done the right thing by distancing yourself from things that seep the energy out of you. It’s great to see you having a good year and hope you have an even better 2024!

  3. Really happy to read how well your 2023 went and how you built on what you started in 2022. More power to you. Loved reading the part on your wins – nothing like them to keep us going. No matter big or small. I hyper you continue this streak in 2024.
    As for me, I hope my never die spirit stays as is!

  4. Complete agree with the things you have stopped doing in 2023. We are often the toughest on ourselves. Ditto on making resolutions. I don’t need to wait for January 1st to begin working on something. I do set up goals and feel that works better. Congratulations on your achievements in 2023 and wishing you the best in 2024.

  5. I loved your post because you were able to list out the good and the bad of the year gone by so neatly. That shows how organized you are as a person. And also loved that you’ve realised and made peace with some things you know are never going to change. Kudos! Good luck for 2024.

  6. Wow Archana, loved reading your honest post. You know, each word written here seems to have come from your heart and that’s the beauty of writing. Good luck with your endeavors, Archana.
    * PS – Stay away from Big Boss 😜

  7. Loved your thoughts Archana. We need to upgrade ourselves every day. I feel some of the values my father had inculcated are obsolete now and i am finding it difficult to be selfless or say no but i am working towards it.

  8. I too have stopped being hard on myself, at least for certain things. But it’s a constant work-in-progress that one because its years of unconditioning
    Congratulations on getting back to work, and how! Winning the most flexible employee and employee of the month is a great feat, Archana
    Hope 2024 brings in more such moments for you. Cheers!

  9. So nice to know Archana that you are back to work.Congratulations !! Seriously, my husband was asking me to join but I was reluctant for my twins who are in their formative years . But your post is inspiring me to take the leap. You are such a sweet person but one thing I couldn’t take was how do you manage to watch BIG BOSS . 😀

  10. It’s good to know you drove on the interstate highway. I have yet to get over that fear. And good to know about your award, as the most flexible team member. All wins are roads to more wins. More power to you this year as well.

  11. Everything was going well while reading your post until I read ‘will continue watching big boss’ hahahha. I don’t and I find that show irritating. That’s why. Anyway, hats off to you for becoming a teacher and driving on interstate highways. It’s not easy for our men to trust us with their car on interstate highways but I’ve also started driving on interstate highways in India… maybe since 2019… Feels good though we have to be super alert! God bless!

    1. Haha I have been watching Bigg boss from Season 1 😂yeah watch it or not it’s completely one’s choice. Love that you also started driving. I am driving since 2011, in and outskirts of the cities in India and USA both but Yeah I have to say driving on highways through one state to another was my biggest dream and fear as well and 2023 is the year where I overcome that fear. Thank you for stopping by.

  12. Congratulations on your achievements, Archana! You have some pearls of wisdom in here. I love it when this time of the year forces us to introspect and learn from our mistakes of the past. More power to you! Wishing you an even more successful year ahead. 🙂

  13. So wonderful, Archu!
    Totally agree with your list – things you “stopped doing in 2023”.
    We all need me-time. Have to set controls & decide engagement levels.
    So nice to know that you are driving your career as well as car- joined work & drove on the highway! Super proud of you!
    Congrats for all your achievements.
    Have a blessed 2024.

    1. Yes, I am driving since 2011. I have to confess that driving 4 wheeler had been one of my dreams since childhood, that I fulfilled in the year 2011 in Pune India. But Yes driving from one state to another I take as a victory over my fear of long drive. Thank you so much for stopping by.

  14. I loved the point stop making excuses. I think it is so important for us to take responsibility for our action and inaction. Waiting for external validation is something I’m going to work more on in 2024. And please, please recommend a nice rom-com to me 🙂 Happy 2024!

  15. Hey, good to see your entry. What a coincidence. I have also resumed work in 2022 after a major career gap. Congratulations for the recognition. It motivates us to keep doing our best. Driving on highways has its own charm. Whenever we are on any road trip, my husband and I always share the driving duty.
    Now, to answer – What do you think is not going to change in your life, no matter what year comes and goes? Learner in me, hope, curious nature..

  16. Hi Archu! It feels lovely to read your year-end post with so many good habits and they are indeed helpful for all of us. I am glad to see you are back to work and delighted at your new career path. Thanks for joining us in the celebration and making the blog hop successful with your gleeful presence. Gratitude. Wishing you a Happy 2024.

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