Parenting is not a one day job. It is a 24x7x365 days non-stop job wrapped in a huge responsibility. It tests your patience and wisdom at every next step, isn’t it? In this Era, where gadgets have become an integral part of the kid’s life, we can’t deny the truth that certainly it has raised the bar of parenting challenges.
Among so many responsibilities of parenthood, instilling the skill of Independence at different stages of life is the biggest matter of concern and care. If you observe right from the age of infant our little birdies give us glimpses of their sense of independence by starting their milk bottle on their own as soon as they realize they are capable enough to hold it or put it down.
But here I will be talking about the recognition of independence among the kids aged from 5-10 years old.
When my son turned 8 a few years back, during his annual checkup, I was surprised to see when his pediatrician listed down the chores for which my son has become eligible now; and you won’t believe there was almost every chore in the list that I never thought of asking my son to do till date. It really gave me a feel of a formal announcement of my kid’s independence. From that day, in every doctor visit, an additional column to tick marked how many chores my son do independently or helping me in doing so. Yeah! This was a totally new thing to experience for an Indian Mom like me.
Importance of Independence in Kid’s Life:
- Research data has proved to be independent boosts the confidence and self-esteem in kids.
- A right proportion of independence makes kids good decision-makers in the future.
- Independence encourages the power of leadership.
- A feeling of independence makes kids empathize with the situation easily.
- It develops a sense of responsibility for self and also towards the people around like younger siblings.
- Independence firmed the belief in kids being capable of facing challenges by keeping utmost safety.
- Kids feel amazingly contented and equally happy by seeing their valuable existence.
Tips To Make Kids Independent:

- Assign them specific Household Chores. Let your kids put their clothes in the laundry also to fold on their own after dry. I ask my kid to wash his plates and cup of milk on his own, fold their blankets, water the plants, check if there are any yellow leaves, and then cut them, set dinner table. all these chores should be given considering the age of the kids.
- Invite Kid’s Suggestions and listen to their point of view: Like before any vacation plans, or deciding the party’s theme or any celebrations welcome your kid’s suggestions, involve them in the discussions.
- Involve them in shopping calculations: While taking them to the grocery shops or online shopping tell them your budget and ask them to choose the best things within it or tell them to calculate the total by checking the prices of products in the cart.
- Encourage them to volunteer the family or school activities.
- Kids above 8 are capable enough to convey telephonic or face-to-face messages, ask them to enquire about the things on telephones.
I am on the path of making my kid independent are you?
NOTE:- This post is written as part of Blogchatter #CauseAChatter Blogging with a purpose.
Copyright © Archana Srivastava
This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava (archuswords.com). Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.